I've been spending a lot of my free time on Twitter.
I was pretty hesitant about joining that community, but have fallen in love with it. I've discovered an entirely new set of people with which to converse. Lots of moms on there trying to make the world a better place for our kids. It's great.
They give me a lot to think about as I continue on this journey of being a SAHM. A journey that I dearly love but also find to be a bit challenging. I love that I can stay at home full-time with my sweet daughter and be here for my son during his time out of school. I can be the parent that totes the kids from activity to activity while picking up their friends along the way. I've always wanted to be that kind of mom. But, I do miss socializing with adults. I miss having adult conversation and helping with things other than changing a diaper or cooking dinner. But, what I am learning is that I need to live in this moment and cherish this time that I can just change diapers and cook dinner. These are moments that my kids will remember for the rest of their lives. I missed out on these moments with my mom and I so wish that she could've stayed home with me.
So, no more pining away for the things of the past or for the things to come. I am going to live in the moment. Soak up every single bit of the time shared with my kids. This after all, is what life is about. Praise the Lord!